Monday, December 20, 2010

Escaping From an Insane Society

Have you ever wondered why people have so many problems? Why the world is the way it is? Why there are so few masters, who try to point the way, and only a few realize it and become enlighten. We are all on a path. As people age they only get bits and pieces of the Great Way. The mind has everything to do with it. Control the mind is the key. There is great wisdom in the words, "Peace Be Still." Can you find the moments when you were truly happy, with no problems were present? The only time basketball players, tennis players, and baseball players are happy is when they are in the moment of action. Think about it. They have no thoughts about themselves except for the moment, the present in their life situation.

When no thoughts enter your mind, you are free of psychological time of past and future. You are living in the NOW. There is nothing more important in your life except the present. The NOW.

Know the wisdom of the now. The following wisdom consist of Duality, Resonance, Ecology, Stratification, Magnanimity, and Aggregation. What are these teachings? Do we need them? Yes! "The Power of Wisdom: The Magic of Seeing What Others Can't," by Aman Motware, makes a cleaver statement that will free man's ignorance of the materialistic world that will bring enlightenment in our complex society, and escaping this insanity.

Most people think that having more of this or that material substance will make them happy. The bird is content with his life situation. All animals are content with their life situation. Only man is discontent with his life situation. Look at yourself when you were a child throughout your years in school. You were uneducated, immature, unhappy, not knowing how to be complete in yourself. You thought you needed outside interest, things, and people to make you happy. You were conditioned to deal in "psychological time."

Notice the insanity at any inner city schools. Notice the behavior of the students. Most of them can't stop talking about negative issues. Visit a class and take notes. Go out of inner city schools. Believe me you will notice a difference. The public school system is a lot different then private school system or an academy. A catholic school and a school run by Scientology staff at an academy is like hot and warm. Notice the student body. You will find your gems at the private schools, but they are only a few and far between. I witness this little fifth grade student was always very quiet and to her self completing all her assignments. Even at recess and lunch she would be very quiet while other students around her would be too busy playing, being loud and doing foolish things. Her stillness was pure beauty. She was always polite, not complaining, just being the perfect student. I have found those gems in all races, creeds, and ethnic groups.

The mind makes too much noise. Peace is still. Enter a state of consciousness and sustain it in everyday life. Rid yourself of compulsive thinking. Most people do it. Other people talk to themselves aloud. Just as the normal most people live in a state of apparent separateness in an insanely complex world of continuous problems and conflict. Their world reflects the ever-increasing fragmentation of the mind.

An individual who is a difficult negative person, is unconscious most of the time. You will know exactly where this individual is headed. The behavior was is predictable. I became to know that how a person responds to you are dependent on how you communicate with each person. Each time communication is initiated sets the stage for how the other person responds. You are not just the effect, but both cause and effect. This is real in nature. You need to accept responsibility that anther person's inappropriate behavior towards you is the result of our own behavior. Don't waste futile energy trying to assign blame. Instead I needed to focus on modifying my reaction and behavior to create the effect warranted.

You don't need the insanity in your life, and you need to know when to walk away. You don't throw pearls to the swine, as an old wise saying goes. It is best to know all kinds of people; no matter what station they are in life. We learn from each other. You can learn the patterns of behavior from all ethnic groups. Each group is programmed to think and feel a certain way. Our backgrounds, trauma, experiences, and pain shape the mind-body.

L. Ron Hubbard and many others before him recognized how insane our society is and term the phrase "Clear" where he recognized the reactive mind is keeping us from a state of complete spiritual freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death.

Einstein has said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." Man has not learned this lesson, because man continues to fall prey to the Devil. The Devil rules on planet earth. Only a few will escape his grasp. The church will not teach you the way, because they also are under the rule of the Devil. A popular comedy TV show had the character say when ever he did something bad, "The Devil made me do it." That would always get a laugh.

Following will be the techniques to rid us of the mind-body, which has caused so much misery in the world that has brought on death and destruction caused by our insanity. The Ancients have revealed the way, but only a few get the code to release them of this insanity.

The Tech:

Realize that all the things that truly matter is beauty, love, creativity, joy inner peace--arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken. "Go make our temple" the bible tells us. Your body is the temple. (Corinthians 3:16) You are the temple of God. The books of the Ancients are the complete things around the sub-conscious. Higher Consciousness is Christ Consciousness.

The science of Yoga is the ordinary science of divine harmony of the Soul energy of gentleman additionally to his Maker. Jesus went to India, and studied the science of Yoga, and taught disciples how to tap into the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God. He said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." "That which is impenetrable to us really exists. The religion of the future, Einstein had predicted, will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology." Jesus said, 'Nothing is hidden that will not be made known, nor secret that will not come to light.'

The informing power of the Mother of creation is Maya, cosmic delusion that transforms one spirit into myriad manifestations in material creation. Man had free choice. God created a wondrous human form to be changed by cosmic energy, and to live in a free, unconditioned divine state; but Satan created hunger and the lure of sensory indulgence. For mental power, Satan substituted mental temptation for soul's wisdom, Satan contrived perplexing ignorance; for the grandeur of nature, Satan's countered with potentialities of warfare, disease, pestilence, earthquakes, floods, and a horde of dissenters.

Reincarnation assumes freedom, for it gives immortal souls ample time and opportunities to divest themselves of all false notions of earthly fulfillment, and to realize through wisdom their already perfect divine natures. With the expiration of desires and karmic consequences from wrong determinations they will be liberated.

Now for the escape! Follow these steps outline by Patanjali, an exponent of Raja Yoga. Enter the Kingdom of God within.

1. Yama: moral conduct: abstaining from injury to others, falsehood, stealing, incontinence, and covetousness.

2. Nijame: purity of body and mind, contentment in all circumstances, self-study (contemplation and devotion to God.

The above steps yield self-control and mental calmness.

3. Asna: discipline the body to be able to maintain the correct posture for meditation without fatigue or physical and mental restlessness. (If you have a back injury or ailment use a chair with a back for support sitting erect with palms up resting on the knees).

4. Paramayama: Techniques of life force control that calm the heart and breath and remove sensory distractions from the mind.

5. Pratyahana: the power of complete mental internalization and stillness resulting from withdrawal of the mind from the senses.

6. Dhanana: the power to use the interior mind to become one-pointedly concentrated upon God in one of His aspects through which He reveals Himself to the inward perception of the devotee.

7. Dhyana: mediation deepened by the intensity of concentration (dharana) that gives the conception of the vastness of God, His attributes as manifested in His endless expansion of cosmic consciousness.

8. Samadhi: union with God: the full realization of the soul's oneness with spirit.(Yoganada, The Second Coming of Christ: the resurrection of the Christ within you:2004, 182)

The reader can find access to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of God in the following: Matthew 13:1-53, Matthew 13:44-46, Luke 12:20-21. Why Jesus speaks in parables, see Matthew 13:10-13.

The Bible and the ancient texts are all about the mind reaching a Christ Consciousness beyond the material world. You change the mind for a higher consciousness, you change the world. Are we headed for an economic collapse? Are we in a period of unprecedentedly danger, as nations with nuclear weapons become unstable, and terrorists can buy or steal the power to destroy our cities? Are the Motion Picture Industry telling us what to expect? Do these movies"The Book of Eli," and "The Road," tell the story of what man is capable of doing to the world? The truth is hidden right in front of us through movies and television shows, such as Star Gate. Why all the secrecy? The power brokers know what is happening. The dark side is at work, to keep us in bondage and to enslave the masses. To escape this insanity you need to go within. To enter the Kingdom of God, you need to meditate, and be still.
