Monday, December 6, 2010

Stress Management Activity - The Dynamic Meditation!

Many years ago, when I was actively looking for a meditation other than TM, I had formulated in my mind that I needed a method that was more 'dynamic'

I can assure you that if you are looking for a stress management activity the Dynamic Meditation is fantastic as a great cleanser to start with and once you have done it several times, you can then appreciate the 'meditation' aspect of this method.

So, going back to my meeting with the Dynamic Meditation...
After having made it clear in my mind that I needed an active method, just a few weeks later in Arundel, South of England, I met someone who handed me a small leaflet regarding a centre in London where Dynamic Meditation was happening.

The most astonishing thing was that I had not even mentioned this to him!

Anyhow, a few weeks later, I turned up at the centre at the earliest of times in the morning when it was scheduled. There was a roomful of people - well, how shall I say, letting go of their frustrations and emotions, expressing these in body movements and sounds (thankfully, not towards each other!). The intensity was quite amazing and the first time, amazed and impressed by what was going on around me, I just took it all in, not being able to follow the instructions.

In fact, one was advised to wear an eye mask in order to stay in touch with oneself and not be too surprised or influenced by the behaviour of other people.

But of course I did come back several times after that.

First, I learned to breathe just through the nose, expelling the air vigorously and letting the inhaling happen by itself, all done with no particular rhythm, but as 'chaotically' as possible! This lasted 10 minutes and the point was to reach part of our breathing mechanism that our day-to-day living does not allow us to reach, which stimulates our repressed emotions to come to the surface, to become conscious.

The second phase, also lasting 10 minutes, was about expressing those emotions, those repressions, to free us, the body and the psyche, from our conditioned behaviour, from fear, anger etc., which, hidden inside, can easily unconsciously control us from within.

Great stress management is this dynamic meditation! To be able to express whatever one has bottled up!

The third 10 minutes stage was to have our arms raised above our heads while jumping up and down, shouting the sound 'hoo', falling back on the soles of our feet, to help us reach the most profound centre of our energy, the sexual centre. The idea being to tap into that energy reservoir and enable it to rise and spread all over the body, creating a sense of enhanced vitality and well-being, even 'bliss' (especially in the next, 'silent' stage).

The fourth part was just standing still for 15 minutes in the position that the stopping of the music found us in.
This is the 'watching' part of this method, the most 'meditative' as we would call it, although in time one is advised to develop the 'watcher' in the previous phases as well.

A great stress management activity, I can assure you, this dynamic meditation! Not only to be able to express whatever one has bottled up, BUT also recycling it afterwards into finer energy!

Just one (obvious?!) thing:

You do need a fairly sound-proof space, or at least somewhere conveniently away from 'non-participants'!

Or, if you think neighbours might be amenable to 20 minutes of considerably more noise than normal (!), you could simply warn them what to expect beforehand.

Francoise Bonhoure is the creator of Success with Stress where you'll find a great variety of free exercise that reduces stress, including the Dynamic Meditation.
