Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trataka - Third Eye Meditation

Trataka or third eye meditation is the method by which one can see beyond the normal plane. Buddhism teaches us that we have a third vehicle for sight into the Higher Planes that is located on our forehead between our physical eyes. The method of meditation necessary to achieve this is also known as Purusa Dhyan or attentional meditation. If we focus our attention on something we become more aware of that thing.

There are four elements to this - attention, vehicles (things to focus on), form of attentional principle and the wave of consciousness. Attention is what you focus on. Attentional principles are held in different vehicles. Some times they are centered in your pituitary gland where they rise to higher planes. It may have causal, astral and mental vehicles and at its deepest form it will act like a wave of consciousness. When you can access this wave you will open the third eye.

To properly access your third eye you will need to sit upright or in a lotus position on a comfortable couch and focus for three to five minutes on a series of points while monitoring your feelings at each level before moving on to the next point. With your eyes closed take three deep breaths and let each one out slowly while rotating your closed eyes between twenty and twenty five percent upward and look for a light to appear and count backwards from one hundred.

Here are some of the things to focus on while clearing your mind for third eye meditation. Focus on the sensations arising first from your environment, body, emotions, and thoughts at the present time. Be aware of the "I am" statements and the associated thoughts, feelings and emotions. Be aware of memories and emotions coming up from your subconscious along with present time being recorded in your memory.

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